Notes from My Chesapeake Home
Courtney’s thoughts on Eastern Shore life & real estate
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What Every Chesapeake Homeowner Needs to Know About Insurance
The Eastern Shore’s unique environment comes with perks—gorgeous sunsets, sweeping marshes, tranquil coves. But that waterfront proximity also poses challenges that mean having the right insurance coverage isn’t just smart—it’s essential.
But here’s the thing: not all homeowner’s insurance is created equal, especially in the Chesapeake Bay region. With rising sea levels, increased flooding, and environmental regulations that affect coastal properties, it’s more important than ever to understand exactly what’s covered—and what’s not.
Winter Guide to Maryland’s Eastern Shore
The coziest time of the year is upon us on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, but there’s plenty do do, see, eat and explore during the Chesapeake winter. Pop in for a show at the Avalon, enjoy fresh in-season oysters on the half shell, check out a Hot Chocolate 5k or a Fire and Ice Festival, or wonder at the amazing variety of overwintering bird life on a walk at Pickering Creek. For more ways to savor this season, keep reading my winter guide!
2024 Holiday Guide to Maryland’s Eastern Shore
The Chesapeake is always beautiful, but the small towns and waterways are particularly charming over the holiday season. Check out my 2024 Holiday Guide to the Eastern Shore’s best holiday festivals, activities, dining, parades, and more!
Buying Land in the Chesapeake
Selecting a place for its peaceful vistas, small towns and sunsets across open water first—and building second—provides maximum home customization in an unforgettable, perfect-for-you location. But buying land in this rural, river-oriented environment presents unique opportunities as well as some challenges. If you’re considering purchasing a slice of Maryland’s scenic landscapes or waterways, keep these essential tips in mind to make your experience positive and successful.
Long Distance Chesapeake House Hunting
House hunting in-person can be stressful for many buyers, but searching for a new home remotely can be overwhelming—especially when so many aspects of Eastern Shore life don’t translate to a search engine! If you’re looking for your Chesapeake home, here’s a few suggestions to make the process as smooth as possible.
Six Essential Questions for Buying a Home
Buying a home in the Chesapeake is not just a transaction— whether you're drawn to the historic waterfront towns or the tranquil rural landscapes, it's crucial keep your priorities in mind as you navigate the real estate process with care and attention to detail.
Courtney’s tips: The best home upgrades with the highest returns
Here are my recommended interior and exterior home improvement projects for 2024, tailored to the Shore’s specific needs and market trends—and what you can expect to recoup on your investment.
Courtney’s Pearls of Wisdom
Selling can look daunting from the outset, but there are some simple strategies you can use to put your best foot forward as you consider listing your home. Born and raised in the “Pearl of the Chesapeake,” Rock Hall, Maryland, I thought I’d share a few selling “pearls” of my own to to ensure you have a smooth experience.
Hunkering Down for Winter
Though the Chesapeake’s winters are usually mild, some snow and ice is to be expected. Use my checklist to help you batten down the hatches as you prepare for the cold, beautiful months on the Eastern Shore.
The Benefits of Rightsizing
We can learn some lessons about life’s changes, the turns of the season, and simplifying from our feathered friends. For many of us, our fledglings are now grown. Or our nests, once cozy, were built for a life that has transformed. If we’re not flying south this winter, it’s time to think about what nest is right for us, right now.
Summertime Eastern Shore Dock Bars
Nothing quite captures the life and vibrance of the Chesapeake summer spirit quite like the annual re-opening of the dock bars. These waterfront watering holes are cruising destinations and entertainment venues, luring patrons by water and land with live music, food, and sunny decks all summer long. Each Eastern Shore waterfront community has their own dock bar, but we wanted to share a few of our must-visit favorites in Talbot, Queen Anne’s and Kent Counties.
Landscape Tips to Help Your Home Sell
It’s late spring on the Eastern Shore and that means it’s time to get that yard and landscaping looking beautiful. But the work you put into your property’s lawn and plantings can make all the difference when it comes to selling your home. Read our pro tips for some easy ways to refresh your property and turn the heads of your home’s potential buyers.
Celebrating the Eastern Shore, Throughout the Seasons
Throughout the year, the communities of the Eastern Shore create different ways to celebrate the season. Distinctive to each county’s landscape and traditions, these festivals and events annually enliven life in Talbot, Queen Anne’s and Kent County.
New Year, New Resolutions
Winter is a good time for fulfilling that resolution to make this place your home. Maybe you’ve been coming to the Eastern Shore since you were a kid. Maybe you love boating here and have always dreamed about dropping anchor here for good. You know who you are—you are a future Eastern Shore resident. So why wait?
Wings & Whitetail Farm: an Eastern Shore Country Estate
From a gentle rise overlooking a quiet tributary of Langford Creek, the main house of Wings & Whitetail Farm surveys the landscape as it has for 265 years. Once called “Bungay Hill,” this 18th century home in Kent County, Maryland is one of the county’s most important historic properties. Currently available for purchase, it is a rare opportunity to own one of the finest country estates on the Eastern Shore.
Featured Property, 5781 Main St, Rock Hall
In Rock Hall, the Old Oars Inn Bar and Restaurant on Main Street was a beloved third space. A watering hole par excellence, you could chat with a waterman over a $.75 Budweiser and a burger, meet a friend for dinner, or just nurse a drink and wind down your day. As a meeting place, it worked out well because it was hard to miss—the proud bow of a Chesapeake Bay deadrise had been prominently fixed to the right side of the building.
Blue Crabs and a Better Housing Market
But just like holding out for those teeming river crabs of high summer, folks who have waited until now to buy their home are benefiting from a renewed supply and shifting market.
Making Like an Osprey in Spring 2022’s Real Estate Market
Every spring, there’s a lot of competition in the osprey world for the ideal nesting site, and aerial battles are common as osprey duke it out for the best tree, dock piling or telephone pole. It’s spring fever, Eastern Shore-style, and seems like a familiar scenario to anyone in the current real estate market.
Peace on Earth Found on the Eastern Shore……
“Home should be an anchor, a port in a storm, a refuge, a happy place in which to dwell, a place where we can love and be loved.” -Marvin Ashton
Our peace on earth is here, on the Eastern Shore. As I decorate for Christmas this year, celebrating one year in our new home, I am grateful for taking this risk and celebrating the life we have recreated for ourselves in this beautiful place.
One Wild Ride: 3 houses, 3 success stories in 2020-21’s real estate market
There’s no other way to say it—2020 and the first part of 2021 have been a wild ride. The incredible pandemic-fueled real estate boom has created a truly unprecedented seller’s market, especially for buyers looking for a piece of the Eastern Shore good life.